CRP Technologies Introduces - CRP Certification for Contract-Employees

Released on = December 22, 2005, 8:37 pm

Press Release Author = CRP Technologies [India] Pvt. Ltd.

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = CRP Technologies, one of the leading pre-employment
screening organisations in India, has introduced a new certification program, the
C�- CRP Certification for Contract-Employees.

Press Release Body = (Mumbai) December 24, 2005 -- The recent rape and murder of a
call center employee in Bangalore has shaken the Indian outsourcing industry and
highlighted the need for call centre companies to insist on verification checks for
contract employees.

Unfortunately the current pre-employment screening approach is beyond the means of
vendors and is proving to be a deterrent in the risk management process. So how does
an organisation ensure that their contract vendor provides them with screened
certified resources?

CRP Technologies, one of the leading pre-employment screening organisations in
India, has come up with a solution to that dilemma in the form of their new
certification program, the C�- CRP Certification for Contract-Employees.

\"Recent incidents have highlighted the importance of ensuring the right quality of
external resource,\" states Sanjay Arora, Vice President, CRP Technologies. \"While
there is a need to manage risk, it is also important to consider feasibility in
terms of pricing, so that vendors are motivated to be consistent in their

Risk mitigation has to be viewed as more than just an isolated part of the overall
process. It has to percolate to every level of the organisation and resonate in the
corporate culture in India, states Arora. Until the Principal does not drive the
pre-employment screening initiative, it may not be embraced voluntarily by vendors.

It is at times like these that employees scrutinize the stance their organisation is
taking. Clear decisive action by the organisation will go a long way in winning
employee loyalty and curbing attrition.

Making the contract employee certification a pre-requisite for all external hiring
is a step in the right direction. It sends a clear message of the organisation\'s
seriousness in making ethical standards non negotiable. So much effort goes into
building a brand that the impact of such incidents extends far beyond the bottom

The C�- CRP Certification for Contract-Employees is a specialised offering for
contract vendors who require verification by a professional background checking
company. C�- CRP Certification allows contract vendors to leverage the benefits of
pre-employment screening at an affordable cost.

Download the product flyer here.

CRP Technologies [] conducts pre and post employment background
checks for employers in India. Their vision, as Arora states, is to make India,
India Inc., and Indian society a safer place to live in.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Sanjay Arora

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